2023 i love you already
When I look at 2023, something about it just seems right.
Almost like this is the number combination I’ve been waiting for.
2 0 2 3.
Satisfying to the eye.
Does anyone else feel this way??? Maybe I’m being too optimistic but a little positivity never hurt.
2023 just seems to make sense. The year that felt so far away but now that it’s here I can’t comprehend how normal it sounds.
I have extraordinary feelings about 2023. Maybe it was the way I rang in the New Year, but this year seems so special.
Last week I encountered the Lord in a way I’ve NEVER experienced before. I physically felt a weight off my chest, a breath of fresh air, and the chains breaking off my heart. A full, warm hug from Jesus. The community of people I met was truly a blessing. They made me feel so loved, seen, and special - how friends should make you feel! They spoke so much truth over me and took every chance they could to lift me up. God’s love was everywhere with them.
For reference here are some of my amazing friends:
Since last week, I’ve felt so much lighter. I feel like my old self, but happier. Life looks brighter. Things feel sweeter. God's love is continuously being revealed to me.
As you can imagine, my journal was my best friend this past week. I could truly write a novel with the number of things I’ve learned and experienced over the past couple of days. Today I won’t bombard you with that (but maybe one day).
So if there’s one thing I continually wrote in my journal and want to share from this past week it’s this:
“The enemy is afraid of you becoming everything that God has already declared that you are. The enemy will instill the same fear in you. Do not be afraid of who God has called you to be.”
For most of my life, I was terrified of stepping out of my comfort zone. TERRIFIED! Staying at home, and keeping to myself in my room was perfect for me. I always had the desire to do something more. To share my mind with others, to share my creativity, and to become bolder in my faith. I continuously wrote “shout my faith from the rooftops” for every new year’s resolution. But year after year, I grew deeper into my comfort zone.
I could AGAIN, write a whole novel on this little journey, but as I said - not today.
Comfort zone or not, God is going to chase and I mean SPRINT after your heart. That’s one of many things I experienced last week. It felt like I was walking in someone’s footprints the entire time. God had this amazing week planned in His timing and I was walking right behind Him. It was amazing. He was continuously revealing Himself to me in ways I didn’t even realize were possible. I was completely HIT with His presence day after day.
He’s all around. Guiding, comforting, and loving you nonstop.
His love is unlike any other.
I realized (and felt) how powerful God’s love actually is. I’ve always known it, but I’ve never fully experienced it. God’s love broke all the walls I’ve so desperately built up out of fear, rejection, and mistreatment. I was able to let God love me the way He’s been trying to. It’s so simple.
I think that’s part of the reason why I’m so excited about 2023. It’s truly a fresh start for me. A fresh start for me to really dig deep into my relationship with Jesus. It’s exciting! It’s heartwarming! It’s a new fire I refuse to put out.
2023 is the year that God has been preparing me for. I don’t know what’s in store but I hope it’s as sweet as His love for me (and you).
Today’s post is a real vulnerable, all over the place, journal entry. So thank you for reading and sticking around. I don’t have everything figured out. I’m still learning. I’m still growing. I’m not perfect. This is a journey and I’m happy you guys are a part of it! We’re growing together! You are extremely important to me even if this is the first time you’ve ever even heard of me. You are here for a reason.
So if there’s one thing you take out of this, it’s this,
Jesus loves you. SOOOO very much. He will never stop chasing after your heart.
His love is not like the type of love you have known in the past.
His love is sweet. His love is precious. His love is so strong for YOU!
Break down the walls you’ve built out of rejection, mistreatment, and fear.
Sit in His glory.
Feel His presence.
2023 seek Him and receive His almighty love.
He’s waiting for you with His arms wide open.