New Year’s Eve. A day that always seems to make me feel ALLLL the emotions.

A reflection on the past year thinking about untouched goals, missed opportunities, and embarrassing moments.

You erase the failed goals from the previous year and create a brand new list of goals you probably will forget about by Janurary 3rd (I can speak from experience). That’s just how it always goes.

Looking back on previous journal entries from December 31st, they all seem to be the same. I reflect on the year with gratitude, tell myself I’m going to work harder, and rewrite the same New Year resolutions I’ve been reusing for years now. 

I have a list in my journal that says

“20 things I will do in 2020”

And…. that’s as far as I got. Guess how many of those I actually did? Barely half. I even wrote this in my journal that same year

December 31st 2020
The last day of 2020. WOW. This year has been one to remember. Full of the unexpected, the unimaginable, and the worst-case scenarios but somehow we survived. I remember saying at the beginning of the year

“It can only go up from here! How much worse can it get??” boy was I wrong. Although this year has pushed me mentally and even physically, I can proudly say that I've come out even stronger and more myself than ever. I’m proud of myself. I grew so close to God after pushing Him away for so long. I can’t do it alone and I never will be able to. I thank Him every day for getting me through this year and giving me another year with my family and friends who I love so much. He has blessed me with little moments and has helped me to fall back in love with life. 

Next year will be God's year. I am going to pursue Him harder than I ever have before and I am going to make sure to keep my eyes set on it. I’m going to visualize my goals and make them a reality. This is the year I finally work for what I want and listen to where God is leading me. 2021 will be the year of little steps. Little steps toward God, little steps toward His goals for me, and little steps towards a better me. I feel so close to a major breakthrough and I know I can do it with God by my side. MARK MY WORDS.

As I grow older, the end of the year starts to become a reflection period instead of a time to beat myself up for not completing my previous unreachable goals. It becomes a time to sit in gratitude. A time to get excited for the year ahead. A year full of amazing memories you have yet to experience, people you have yet to meet, and a fresh start to dream new dreams. It is an exciting time! 


 Despite the hardships, despite the disappointments, God is still good. 

Year after year, He never changes. 

AND- even though it’s so easy to do, do not beat yourself up for how this year went, and do not go into 2023 with fear. Forgive yourself and start new. Get excited for the opportunities ahead! Go into 2023 with love, grace, and patience. 

I pray that whoever is reading this is blessed this year. 2023! We’re coming for ya!

God has been preparing you for a time like this.

He has been preparing you for greatness. 

2023 I already love you. 


I also want to take a minute to thank every single one of you for reading, supporting, and loving on me this past year! Getting to freely share my words with you is so special. I never would have imagined how lucky I would get to create this little community with you guys! Genuinely so cool. Thank you for making little Mere’s dreams come true. 

2023 is going to be amazing. We’re in this together now friends.


2023 i love you already


to my dad