Hey! Welcome back to the blog!!! I intended to post more last month, but of course, I didn’t… SO! If you didn’t know, I spent the month of October in Denmark, visiting one of my best friends. I have another blog post coming up (hopefully soon) about my time there and a couple of other topics - you’ll have to wait and read! For now, though, we have an October favorites entry! I almost didn’t do it this month, but I decided I needed to be consistent and stop giving up on things so quickly - so here we are! Making changes! Not giving up!

Starting out strong with…


  • (500) Days Of Summer: After years of having this film on my watchlist, I finally got around to watching (500) Days of Summer this month. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and LOVED the ending (even though it made me tear up). It’s a realistic take on a love story while still keeping that rom-com feel. I recommend adding this one to your watch list!

  • Molly’s Game: Funny story on how I got this recommendation. On my flight home from Denmark, I sat next to an older man named Deano (king btw). We talked about movies for almost all of our 9-hour flight (truly a blessing from God). He gave me a list of recommendations, and I shared mine with him. This (along with another movie I’m about to watch) was one of his first, may I add, passionate recommendations. I’d never heard about or seen this movie, so, of course, I watched it as soon as I got home. I loved this movie. It’s based on a true story - which I LOVE films like that. The plot was never boring; the editing was so good, and my attention was grabbed the entire time. Definitely go watch this for a fun little action movie!

  • Honorable rom-com mentions: I recently rewatched The Fault in Our Stars and The Notebook, so I felt like I needed to shout them out too. We love a good rewatch! Send me your rom-com recommendations; I’m always looking for a cute and cozy movie to put on! Click here to see my full watchlist and movie recommendations!


  • The Crown Affair Leave-in Conditioner: Guys. Not even sponsored, I’m being so for real. Take this recommendation SO seriously. I know these products are a little more on the expensive side, but I love them. I’ve been using their leave-in conditioner, hair oil, and weekly hair mask. It’s changed the game for my hair!!! My hair has never been smoother (plus the products smell amazing). I would never recommend a product that I genuinely don’t use or love! I got mini travel sizes so I could test them out (plus it’s a cheaper option instead of buying full size). I linked it here!

  • CalPak Carry-on: As I mentioned, I spent this month in Denmark! Lately, I haven’t been checking a bag when I travel, I just pack in a carry-on! This is the second CalPak suitcase that I’ve owned and I’m obsessed. I will never use any other carry-on because this one is amazing. It somehow fits SO much and I’ve never had to check it! Plus the color is so adorable and stays in pretty good shape! My last CalPak carry-on I had, I traveled all through Europe earlier this year and it somehow held 3 months’ worth of clothes in it and NEVER even came close to breaking! It’s a magic carry-on. Again, it’s more on the expensive side, but it’s so worth it - especially if you travel/plan on traveling a lot! Click here to shop my favorite suitcase ever! (Mine is in the color butter).

RECIPES: (I’ve been finding most “recipes” on TikTok so please send me more! I’m trying my best to start cooking at home more!)

  • Tomato Soup: While staying in Denmark, my friend Sofie, LOVES to cook. I, on the other hand, cannot cook. Another thing about me, is I'm not too fond of tomato soup. Sofie changed my mind on this topic and now I would consider this one of my favorite (and easiest) recipes. I can’t provide the full recipe, but here’s a similar one. Basically, all we did was roast tomatoes, carrots, feta cheese, and a couple of other herbs for an hour and blend them up in a pot! It was amazing. We made some grilled cheese on the side and put on a comfort movie - WOW. I will be doing this all winter because it was the best tomato soup I’ve ever had. I now consider myself a tomato soup lover! (I sound like such a grandma blogger right now this is so fun).

  • Apple Cider Syrup: Last month, I made pumpkin spice syrup, and this month, I made apple cider syrup for my coffee! Again, I found this on TikTok here. I’ve been really getting into making coffee at home (it tastes so much better). I just got a Nespresso machine! So, making homemade syrups has been such a game-changer! Not only does it taste better, but it’s cheaper too.

MEMORIES: (last but not least, enough of the materialistic things!)

  • Denmark Trip: I visited one of my best friends in Denmark for the month! It’s such a blessing that this was my second time seeing her (and visiting her) this year! We started our trip in Copenhagen, where we stayed at the CRAZIEST hotel ever, Manon Les Suites. I still don’t understand how we ended up here, but I am beyond grateful. We got to swim in a beautiful indoor pool, eat the most amazing breakfast, and spend our mornings in the sauna.

After we spent the weekend there, we went back to Sofie’s apartment, where I stayed with her for the rest of the month! When visiting Sofie, I don’t really care to do a lot of “sightseeing” because I truly just want to experience what her everyday life is like. If you have a long-distance best friend, you know that anything you do together is fun, and every second is so special. We did a lot of cooking together (I stood by and watched Sofie cook). We made cute little fall decor with airdrying clay - I definitely recommend doing this with your friends! It’s so easy and cheap for a fun little movie/clay night at home! I got to hang out with her family, which is always so special to me! I’ve known Sofie for almost 10 years now, so getting to see her life and family in person (not through a screen) is an insane blessing. While Sofie was in class, I got to spend a little time by myself! I walked around, did a little shopping, and sat at a coffee shop to work (my favorite activity). I posted a couple of vlogs from my time there, so go watch if you haven’t!

Denmark holds a special place in my heart, I find myself there in seasons of healing and rest. I’m writing a blog entry about my personal experiences of change/healing there so be on the lookout!

  • One last little memory/moment was my plane ride home! If you know me, you know I get super anxious while flying - so naturally, I was not looking forward to the 14-hour travel day that was ahead of me. I prayed before my longest flight that I would be sitting next to someone who would be kind and willing to talk (sometimes on longer flights people just want to sleep and chill, which is so understandable). God heard my prayers because I got to sit next to the KINDEST older man named Deano. We talked about movies for almost half the flight, and again, if you know me, you KNOW talking about films is one of my favorite things to do. His favorite genre of movies is rom-coms and we gave each other recommendations of our favorites. Towards the end of the flight, we both stared out the window in silence as we watched the sunset. I felt it in my heart to ask him about Jesus, but before I could even say anything, he said, “How can people look at that [the sunset] and not believe in God.” The biggest smile came onto my face, and I turned SO quickly to look at him and replied, “Right?!” We both began gushing about our love for Jesus. I shared about my time as a missionary in Europe this past year, and he began telling me how hungry Europe and the nations are for God. This sentence will never leave me; he said, “Europe is so hungry for Jesus, they’re seeking Him, and they don’t even realize it yet.” Deano is from Italy and was just coming back from visiting his family there. His daughter is currently in Thailand as a missionary. His heart was so on fire, and his eyes were so sparkly when he spoke about Jesus. Such a sweet moment and such an answered prayer from the Lord. I hope that one day we run into each other on a flight again. Let this be your reminder to talk to those around you; you never know who God has strategically placed in your path! What I was expecting to be a long, anxious flight home - ended up being a sweet reminder of God's love for His children. God’s timing is so unique and so perfect.

Anyways! That’s it for my favorites this month! I have some deeper/more personal blog entries coming soon! The end of the year tends to be harder for most people, including myself sometimes, so I think it’s important to remain vulnerable and share that you guys aren’t alone in any of this! Changing seasons can be fun! We’re in this together! Seasons are changing, and so are we! There is always something good on the horizon!

Share some of your favorites with in the comments, in my dms, or in a letter (send to PO box 436, Fenton, Michigan 48430). I love reading your letters, dms, and emails! The Lord shines so brightly through each and every one of you! The community we’re building together is so sweet and precious to me - thank you for being here! Thank you for letting me be vulnerable without fear of judgment. You’re amazing.

Talk so soon! Happy November my sweet friends! Good is coming! God has you! I <3 you! See you somewhere else on the Internet!


