to my dad
This is my dad. Eric Good. Otherwise known as “EGOOD.”
And if there’s one thing you should know about my dad, it’s that he HATES shopping.
He hates standing around in the awful fluorescent lights, staring at pointless objects while listening to the cheesy music they play over the crackling speakers. I mean, who can blame him? For as long as I can remember, shopping has never been his thing. So Black Friday is his ultimate nightmare.
My dad and I are extremely similar in many MANY ways except - for our views on shopping. I love shopping. I feed off the energetic music playing over the speakers and love touching every object I cross, convincing myself I should buy each and every thing. I consider shopping retail therapy, of course. And Black Friday? I’m waking up at 4 am with a hot cup of coffee ready to go.
2020 was a terrible year for me I won't sugarcoat it. It was awful. It was a year you couldn’t pay me enough money to relive. That year all I wanted was to go Black Friday shopping. I couldn’t tell you why I was so set on it, but I was. I was craving some major retail therapy. But - just my luck, that year I couldn’t find a single person to go shopping with me. My mom was working and my friends had other plans. Black Friday shopping was out for me.
(Keep in mind I was being ultra dramatic about not being able to go Black Friday shopping. I actually haven’t even gone since this year. So I really couldn’t tell you why this led to a breakdown.)
Despite my dramatic breakdown, my dad being the dad he is decided to come Black Friday shopping with me.
Friday, November 27th 2020 - a page right from my journal:
Disregard the poor grammar, spelling and handwriting.
My dad, the dad who despises shopping, went to Ulta and Target with me. The dad would rather stare at a wall all day instead of shopping went Black Friday shopping with me. A seemingly simple act that meant the world to me. Can you tell my love language is acts of service?
If there’s one thing I will endlessly say until the day that I die, it’s that I got so lucky to have the dad that I do. A dad that taught me what it feels like to be truly loved. A dad that constantly reminds me why I shouldn’t settle.
I won’t settle because when I got my heart broken my dad bought me flowers. He makes breakfast for me and my friends when they spend the night and warms up my car when he knows I’m in a rush. He slow dances with my mom in the kitchen and is her biggest cheerleader no matter what. I won’t settle because my dad who hates shopping, went black Friday shopping with me when no one else could.
This list could go on for pages. I could talk about my dad forever and never run out of things to say. When people compare me to him, I take it as the biggest compliment - because it is. My dad is awesome. Ask anyone.
Some things about my dad that I think deserve a notable mention:
His passion for pizza is inspiring.
He can most likely quote the entire movie, Napoleon Dynamite.
He stayed up all night at the kitchen table helping me with my math homework.
The food he cooks is better than most expensive restaurants.
In another life, he was in a world-famous boyband.
His go-to shoes are his orange crocs.
My love for film comes from him since he was handed 5-year-old mere a video camera and trusted her to not absolutely destroy it.
BUT. Back to the whole point…
Tomorrow (December 18th) is his 50th birthday, hence the reason why today's blog post is all about my dad. He deserves all the pizza, love, and appreciation in the world. (so you better wish him a happy birthday IMMEDIATELY after reading this) @egoodcantcook on Instagram.
Dad, I know you’re proofreading this right now for me, so thank you first off for that.
Thank you for being the absolute best.
Happy birthday.
I love you.