to my mom

“10 ways you’re turning into your mother”

“How to avoid becoming your mom”

“Think you’re turning into your mother? You probably are”

My whole 22 years of life I’ve constantly heard of women talking about the fear of turning into their mothers. Being compared to your mom has become a negative insult in a way for some people. It became a constant cycle of running as far as you can from turning into your mom - just to end up exactly like her.

From a young age, I always waited for this dread to kick in, but for me it never did. 

This is my mom

I get compared equally to both of my parents - which honestly is a compliment. But when people compare me to my mom, it’s an extra special feeling. I love my mom. Truly.

For as long as I could remember, I’ve always looked up to my mom. I’d look at old pictures of her from when she was my age and WISH I could look half as beautiful as her. My mom is extremely hard on herself. She hides it very well, but behind closed doors, I see and know how she feels.

My mom’s birthday is February 26th. TODAY!

So hi mom. Today's blog post is for you. My beautiful mother.

Most of you guys don’t know but my mom is the strongest person I’ve ever met. She is a real-life superhero. She has gone through multiple surgeries, losses, and too many bad days to count. Honestly a little more than the average person should have to go through in a year. Through it all, I’ve never seen her smile fade. I don’t know if she just chooses to stay strong in front of the family, but she is unstoppable. Now I won’t lie, she has pulled out the fake tears a couple of times to make us feel bad when we mess up, but she has never let us see her true pain. 

I just cannot stress how strong my mom is.

She holds me when I’m upset. She puts me back together when she wasn’t the person to cause me to break. She laughs at my stupid jokes and lets me talk for hours on end. She does my hair even when her feet hurt from working all day. She pushes me to be a better person and encourages me when I stumble. She puts up with my indecisiveness and never lets me give up. She lets me wear her shoes and doesn’t get mad when I don’t give them back.

I could go on forever about the little things that make her special. The things she does for me, my brother, and my dad NEVER goes unnoticed. 

Our lives would simply crumble without her. 

The older I get, the more I notice that I’m slowly turning into my mom.

I listen to Justin Timberlake when I get ready for the day. I’m starting to make the same faces and poses she does when she gets her picture taken. I notice my laugh sounds a little more like hers every day. I realize she wasn’t weird when she said her favorite colors to wear were black and brown. I see her in my smile. I hear her in my voice.

The older I get, the more I HOPE to become my mom.

I hope to have her smile

Her contagious laugh,

Her beautiful, confident energy,

Her ability to make everyone feel comforted and welcomed,

Her childlike joy,

Her love for others,

Her long list of talents.

My mom is unlike any other.

I hope she knows when someone tells me “you’re turning into your mother” I smile because

Thank you,

I hope I am.

God gave me a mom who I can’t help but look up to.

Happy birthday, mom. You are amazing. 

I love you

And I can’t wait to be just like you.


Real love


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